Donate To Step

Help grow the work of Step by giving financially
We appreciate every gift made to Step. If you would like to contribute to the work of Step, here are several easy and secure ways to do so. Please also see the bottom of the page on how to gift aid your donation.

Option 1 - Set up an online transfer

Please use the following bank details to set up a one-off donation or a regular standing order.

Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-97-25
Account Number: 01338536
Account Name: St Albans and Harpenden Christian Education Project

Alternatively, you can use our Financial Gift Form. You can download this by clicking the link below. Please return this to Step c/o Vineyard Church, 7 Brick Knoll Park, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5UG.

Option 2 - Send us a cheque

Please send any cheques payable to 'Step' to our office (Step c/o Vineyard Church, 7 Brick Knoll Park, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5UG) or give it to a member of the Step team.

Option 3 - Donate via various third party platforms

Gift Aid your donation

If you're a UK taxpayer then please take advantage of the government’s Gift Aid scheme! You only need to complete the form once. This will enable us to reclaim the basic rate tax you have paid on any gifts you make to us - that’s a further £25 on a gift of £100 at no further cost to you. The simplest way is to complete our online form below, which will be automatically sent to us. Alternatively, you can download our Financial Gift Form (see option 1 above), fill in the Gift Aid section and return it to the Step offices (Step c/o Vineyard Church, 7 Brick Knoll Park St Albans, Herts, AL1 5UG).